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Beauty Health

crossfit and Paleo Diet

So, do you think it is difficult to plan weekly menus following the paleo diet? Not really, since it can be applied to new and traditional dishes creating a...

Beauty Health

pros and cons of the Paleo diet

The Paleo diet has been compared to other eating plans, such as the Mediterranean diet or the diabetes diet. Overall, the results indicate that a Paleo diet...

Beauty Health

The foods included in a Paleo diet

Simply put, the paleo diet is an eating plan that is based on foods similar to those that would have been eaten in the Paleolithic period, dating from...

Beauty Health

How to start the Paleo Diet

The Paleolithic diet consists of consuming those foods available before the Neolithic revolution—a nutritional plan based on organic foods and rejects...

Beauty Health

paleo diet

What are the benefits of the Paleo diet? I suppose that now you will be thinking a little about everything they had told us so far and that we had accepted as...


Pumpkin varieties

Belonging to the cucurbit family, like melon and watermelon, this large-fruited plant is an essential source of carotenes, which gives it, among many others...


Autumn fruits

It is best to look for the most colorful pumpkins because this indicates a more incredible amount of beta-carotene. One of the components that make it unique...


essential foods for fall

The change of season arrives, and with it, new seasonal foods appear that you will have to bet on in your kitchen. Betting on seasonal produce is essential in...