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What does the paleo diet consist of?

What does the paleo diet consist of?

The meats they consumed in the Paleolithic era were game, that is, derived from wild animals, so their fat percentage was very low.

At present, if we want to approach this type of diet without putting the health of the body at risk, we must always choose fresh and lean meats.

A paleo ad libitum diet, with a predominance of meats of all kinds, could not be favorable by negatively modifying lipids in the blood, while if we choose lean meats and abundant vegetable ingredients, the benefits can be more tangible and the risks reduced.
Sugar is prohibited, and salt should be avoided as much as possible.

Table sugar and other ingredients such as syrups, syrups, although vegetables derive from industrial processing. Therefore, they are not allowed in the paleo diet.

The sweeteners that we use in their replacement today are not allowed in a paleo diet, but we must go to options with natural sugars such as fresh fruits, dates, or vegetables with high fructose content.

Salt is not an ingredient that we should use freely either, as our ancestors did not. However, in the paleo diet adapted to today, its moderate to low use is not prohibited, although we recommend avoiding the salt shaker whenever possible and flavoring our dishes with various herbs and spices.
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In Vitónica
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Dairy is not allowed in the paleo diet, but it is important to watch your calcium intake

Like other processed foods, dairy is not allowed on the paleo diet, so that calcium intake may suffer and deserves special attention.

In this sense, we can go to seeds and nuts, especially almonds, poppy or sesame seeds, and dry herbs such as oregano, for example, which are good sources of calcium of plant origin.

Some fish such as sardines or seafood such as prawns can also help us add this nutrient to the paleo diet because no type of milk or derivatives is allowed.
Among fats, unsaturated ones should predominate.

The sources of fat in the paleo diet are diverse, including meat, fish, eggs, oils, and other ingredients that provide them.

However, suppose we seek to lose weight and take care of our health. In that case, we recommend that unsaturated fats predominate among the fats that we can obtain in the Paleolithic diet of avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, oily fish, and extra virgin olive oil that we recommend using as a fat body main for cooking.

What does the paleo diet consist of?

The Paleolithic diet, also known as the “caveman diet,” “stone age diet,” “evolutionary diet,” or “hunter-gatherer diet,” is a nutritional plan based on the ancient diet of wild plants and wild animals that humans consumed in the Paleolithic period (a period that lasted 2.5 million years and ended with the development of agriculture about 10,000 years ago). Its followers claim that human beings have hardly evolved biologically since the Paleolithic period. The human genome has changed very little since 10,000 years ago, and it is for that reason, our genes are still waiting to find an environment and food (epigenetics) from the pre-agricultural era with which they were modeled. The maxim of this diet is that “the best foods are the simplest.” It is about combining the wisdom of the diet of our ancestors with the health benefits that modern medicine offers us.

What can you consume?


There are many different spices, and almost all of them are paleo. Spices are just ground, dried plant foods that pack many flavors like cinnamon, thyme, oregano, basil, and curry. Most dried spices come from fresh herbs, flowers, or other types of plants. In addition to their health benefits, spices contain zero calories, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, protein, or fat. Some known for their benefits are thyme, oregano, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and basil.

Fats, nuts, and seeds

Make sure you incorporate good oils and nuts in your cooking so that your body can benefit from their nutritional values. Avocado, coconut, macadamia, and olive oil. Hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc.


Most of the carbohydrates in the Paleo diet come from fruits, so eat them in moderation. Apple, avocado, banana, melon, figs, grapes, lemon, mango, orange, pears, plums, go, among many alternatives.

Meat and fish

Meats or organic such as beef, chicken, eggs, lamb, pork, turkey, and marine animals with extractive fishing such as clams, salmon, sardines, shrimp, tilapia, trout, or tuna. And, of course, nothing processed.


Vegetables are essential in this diet, such as artichoke, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, onion, mushrooms, peppers, pumpkin, radish, seaweed, spinach, among so many delicious options.


Purified water is recommended as close to the purity of hundreds of years ago, whether filtered by reverse osmosis, one of the options to remove chemicals is the carbon block filter.

What should you avoid?

Dairy products, legumes, excess salt, sugar, soft drinks, processed juices, chemically altered fats, starchy vegetables (potatoes, cassava, yams, etc …), and processed grains (flour, wheat, corn, cereals, pasta, bread). Grains, legumes, and potatoes contain “antinutrients” such as lectins, saponins, gluten, phytates … which cause inflammation of the intestine and intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”).

If you think you are the perfect candidate to carry this diet, we have Paleo products such as pizza bases and wraps sheets from the Wrawp brand. Also, some products from Wild planet, Artisana, Essential living, Simply organic, Bob’s Red Mill, among others.
What is the Paleolithic diet? Is it a miracle diet? Is it a diet?

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the concept of the “Paleolithic diet,” What is published in the media on many occasions only adds more confusion and encourages erroneous clichés and false myths.

The paleo diet is not properly a diet in the sense of what is commonly understood by “doing or following a diet.” The paleo diet is a lifestyle that proposes to recover the healthy lifestyle of our ancestors, emphasizing food, physical activity, and rest.

And therefore, it should not be understood as a miracle diet either. It is a healthy lifestyle that will consequently impact overall health improvement and is not based on the promise of “miraculous” weight loss.

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