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Chondromalacia: basic exercises

Chondromalacia basic exercises

Chondromalacia: basic exercises. Faced with chondromalacia patella, not everything is a stationary bike, and that’s it. There are other exercises that I will show you to relieve your pain in the front of the knee.

I do not know how you got here, but if you have been curious to read this, it is that you suffer from anterior knee pain, also called chondromalacia patella.

Or maybe you’ve been flustered by what your doctor told you about what you should and shouldn’t do. If so, I will try to shed some light on the matter.

This post is linked to the previous one: chondromalacia patella.

Chondromalacia: basic exercises. Strengthen the quadriceps.

Sitting with or without an elastic band, lower yourself a little towards the ground and, in a controlled manner, rise again.

With a ballast and sitting.
Chondromalacia patella: in bed.

If you had to stick with just one exercise, I would stick with this one. The importance of strengthening the vastus medialis of the quadriceps is vital.

With or without ballast.
Chondromalacia patella. Against the wall.
Chondromalacia: basic exercises. Here is an example of a poorly performed squat, we increase the pain in the patella.

Chondromalacia: basic exercises. Here is an example of a poorly performed squat, we increase the pain in the patella.

This exercise is used in some extracurriculars to “play sudden death,” the last one to unhook from the wall wins. It consists of lying on the wall and going down a little with your knees bent until you achieve the intended effect and stay there.
Squats, yes, for chondromalacia patella, but well done.

There is a large part of the population that associates squatting with squatting. And yes, but in reality, it is not necessary to go down to the ground to work on a knee with anterior knee pain; it is counterproductive to do so.

Look at the photos, and you will see the main mistakes when performing a squat.

Beware of squats for chondromalacia!

I’m going to show you how not to perform a squat. (Although it seems so… I don’t twerk…)

In this photo, you can see how my knee advances my foot, that is: badly.
The perfect squat for your chondromalacia patella.

Performing it properly is not easy; one can help oneself and must help oneself with the arms to counteract the force.

Check how the knee is, and failing that, the patella should not exceed the tip of the foot.

For the girls, there is an easy trick. When you’ve gone to the bathroom, and you’ve found a place where it relieves “unhygienic” (I’m not going to go into gory details)… That impossible and unglamorous position you must maintain (along with the bag and waiting for the door) is the most similar to a forced squat.

Please, do not imagine me in that position so little “brilli-brilli” from today.

Here is my squat attempt… The squat attempt by Miranda.
Chondromalacia: basic exercises. Here’s an attempt at a proper squat. The patella should not exceed the foot or, failing that, the tibia at any time during the exercise.

Chondromalacia: basic exercises. Here’s an attempt at a proper squat. The patella should not exceed the foot or, failing that, the tibia at any time during the exercise.
And you know what? That he has taken me hard and I will buy a stationary bike!

Good for you! Here, you should also be careful with the saddle so as not to “rage” your patellar chondral…

It is essential to exercise with the bike with the seat very high; this; this way, we will ensure that the knee works more in extension than in flexion.
Well, look where I’ll buy a stationary bike.

Dear Three Wise Men, I have behaved very well this year, so I am asking for a stationary bike to protect my knees.

In this letter, they have insisted, in the first place, my knees to each step that I cannot climb. My traumatologist also insisted. And my family doctor, my physical therapist, and even my children care for me a little more.

I promise not to use it as a rack for bags and coats. I promise to shoot it for a minimum of twenty minutes four or five times a week.

For all these reasons, I would love my new exercise bike to take pride of place in my dining room or bedroom.


I’m finishing an ironic post about the need to own and use an exercise bike without using it as a clothes rack. Soon you will be able to read it here: Exercise bike: seven healthy reasons to use it.

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